Design, Delivery and Monitoring of Return to Training Programmes: Chris Neville, Solent University

The 2019 ECSS Congress in Prague featured a presentation on the design, delivery and monitoring of return to training (RTT) programmes by Chris Neville, Physical Performance Consultant and Football Science Lecturer at Solent University.

Focusing on each phase of the RTT process, Chris detailed the questions, concepts and practices that should be considered as part of a successful programme in the context of the individual athlete’s particular requirements.

Some of the key topics in Chris’ presentation included:

– The financial cost of injuries (00:57)

– The evolution of sports science (01:37)

– Factors to consider when designing RTT and rehabilitation protocols (02:40)

– Understanding the environment you’re working in (11:38)

– Increasing player workload over time (12:50)

– The delivery of effective late-stage RTT programmes (15:20)

– Monitoring player rehabilitation in relation to the squad (21:15)

– Summary (22:30)

Want to keep learning? You can find more practitioner presentations on the Catapult YouTube channel.

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